
Amuseables Rose Bouquet


Amuseables Rose Bouquet is the floral gift that keeps on giving. A trio of soft red roses in full bloom with green suedette leaves and stems with stitched detail are wrapped up in beige linen. Tied with a ribbon and wearing an embroidered smile, this wrap has fine cord arms wide for thorn-free cuddles.

Shipping & Returns


We offer store credit or exchange for any items (excluding sale items, hair accessories, original artwork, books or magazines) that are not completely satisfactory, excluding shipping costs.

Exchanges are accepted within 14 calendar days of the date of receipt or 30 days if received as a gift. Read our full return policy here.

happy customers

"Ah Baby truly has the cutest baby clothes I've ever seen. The selection of high quality and unique pieces is unlike any other store in NEPA, and there is even a room dedicated to moms where you could find things like maternity clothing, baby carriers, and anything else a new or expecting mom would need. I would definitely recommend stopping in!"
Brianna Redding

happy customers

"Highly recommend going here for all car seat needs! Crystal was amazing knowledgeable and patient with me through my big purchase. She even assisted me in installing the car seat. Very happy with my experience!"
Katie cerasoli

happy customers

"We were having dinner next door and went in. The store was actually closed but the owner was so nice she welcomed us in. The store is adorable, such pretty and unique baby gifts. It was overwhelming to pick. Found the perfect gift. I live an hour away but will most definitely be back!!!"
kim liedel